Monday, March 28, 2011

Cookie Monster

We've been used to Kaden walking around for quite some time, but we are still getting used to his climbing abilities.  Over the past few months he has been climbing on the furniture but more recently, he has been pushing his limits and exploring ways around me telling him "no" to certain snacks (i.e. I think you've had enough yogurt rasins... You are going to spoil your appetite.)
If I'm not moving fast enough/ not willing to get him a snack out of the kitchen cabinet, he simply decides to do it himself.  He will go to the table to get a kitchen chair, butt it against the counter and climb aboard...  As in climb the chair, pull himself UP onto the counter, and stands in front of the cupboard to get his OWN snack!
Discovering mommy's cookie dough up on the counter...
His response to, "And what do you think you're doing?"
At least this took place after a decent dinner tonight.

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