Friday, October 7, 2016

36 is rad

I had agreed to watch Julie and Nathin's kids (Luke & Evelyn) months earlier so they could attend a family wedding in Buffalo, New York and it just-so happened that wedding weekend fell on my birthday weekend.
Therefore when we went to Santa Fe for Laci's 40th birthday bash in mid-September I (secretly) pretended it was for my birthday too.  Really... I got to leave town to spend an entire weekend with my friends (sans kids), eat great food for days, run a race I had been eyeing for a few years, and not worry about taking care of anyone... what more could I ask for?!? 

Laci helping me watch kids on my *actual* birthday.

I have great friends. 
Like REALLY great friends.
Julie is the ring-leader at making people feel special on their birthday.  
This, coupled with the fact that she felt guilty for "making" me babysit her kids all weekend sent her on a mission to scheme a fantastical week for me.  She and a few others came up Olympic-themed birthday allowing me earn "gold medals" for participating in events with my family and people in our friend group.

Event #1
Pinterest TRYathalon
(cooking something new from Pinterest)
in Julie's kitchen learning how to make wontons
 as well as egg-drop soup
 the wontons were wonderful
the soup was not

Julie mocking Grace as she stood screaming in time-out.

Kaden looking somewhat skeptical, but he surprised himself by liking the wontons.

 my podium stance and earning my first medal

Event #2 occurred with Laura:
Track & FOOD
Who else besides Laura would show up to my house at 5:30 AM with a tray full of scones and ready to go for a dark-mornings jog?  (Nobody.)

We threw the scones in the oven and set off on a short loop while they baked. 
 Of all times for ALL FIVE kids to be wide-awake by 6AM... 
Happy 36 to me. 😬😉

During the weekend/week of my birthday I had friends and family popping over and doing random-amazing things:

I went out to dinner with Ben.
I rode bikes with the kids.

I "junk wrestled" at the yard sale with mom

Laci even snuck in during nap time and dropped off an apricot cobbler.  

All of the effort put into combining my love of the Olympics + spending quality time with my favorite people (opposed to just getting "stuff") 
made #36 one of the BEST birthdays EVER!

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