Saturday, October 3, 2015

Gracie Kyle is 9-Months Old!

Grace is 9 months!

Dr. Fletcher report:
9-month appointment:
17.25 head (50th), 18 lbs (47th), 28.5 in long (82nd). 
"You are perfectly perfect."

Your hair is blonde! And it's really starting to come in – to the point where people don't ask about "what's going on up top," so much. ;)
We also think that your eyes are blue although they change from day to day (gray, green, blue). 

You are a tall little lady! You are now wearing 12–18 month clothes because of  your leg and torso length. (Not the same growth pattern as your brothers.)

You have a playful personality
You like to make kissing/clicking noises with your tongue. You do it to me and then laugh, waiting for me to do it back.

You now have three teeth (2 bottom + 1 top), with the fourth on its way. 

You sleep all the way through the night. 8 PM – 6:30 AM. Hallelujah! Praise Jesus! You occasionally wake up, but if I throw a cover on, pat your back, or put your Nuk in you are fine. 

Like Kaden, you still love that Nuk. You will crawl to it, grab it, and put it back in your mouth… Which is nice.  One day I even watched you try two different ones out while trying to fall asleep in your crib. You finally settled on the bigger one. Ha!

Speaking of crawling, you are all over the place in pulling up on any ledge that is at the right height. At the beginning of September, you crawled around so much with bare feet that you rubbed raw patches on your big toe knuckles. 

Strangers in the grocery store comment about your chilled-out personality. I take you everywhere and you are fun to be around. 

You're very curious. You turn your head and look at every little noise.
Sometimes I feel like you can understand what I'm saying.

Lots of cooling, little noises, and clicks with your mouth/tongue.
You definitely watch my mouth when I am eating and making different noises.  If I spit or stick my tongue out, you try to mimic.

So far you are a mama's girl (probably since we've never spent any significant time apart in the last 9 months). You like to be near me, you kinda of love to be attached to me (literally). 

You are a wonderful eater – I don't know of anything you strongly dislike. 
Even chunks of avocado – I know they are not your favorite but you will still keep them in your mouth.
We kind of skipped the baby food phase with you; it only lasted about a month before we started feeding you small chunks… Then I would experiment by giving you food from my plate or random things (feta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, watermelon, cucumber) and you never turned up your nose or spit them back out, so we just went with it.  Win-win for everyone.

Grace, we adore you. 
You complete our family. 

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