- At Dr. Fletcher's 6-month wellness checkup you weighed in at 17.2 lbs (40th percentile) and were 28" long (85th percentile). A bit bigger than Kaden, and we're all thinking you're going to be able to hold your own soon.
- You have THE best smile & laugh that can instantly put people in a better mood.
- You are extremely ticklish and you have a deep belly laugh.
- Right now your eyes look dark blue (beautiful!) and your baby hair has mostly fallen out. It has come back straighter and lighter but it's not quite blonde.
- People constantly comment on how well-behaved and happy you always seem and we would have to agree.
- As far as sleeping goes, you have suddenly just started sleeping through the night. And by sleeping through the night, we're talking about going down around 10:30 and sleeping soundly until 7 a.m. (with the occasional cry out at 4 a.m.)
- You bit me the other day and nursing almost came to an abrupt end... BUT I think the weaning process has begun. You've started eating brown rice cereal mixed with a fruit/veggie in the morning and just before bed (which has helped with the sleeping at night). So far you seem to enjoy everything I've given you (banana, avacado, applesauce, sweet potato, squash) with the exception being green beans (which I thought tasted quite gross too).
- You are somewhat of a pacifier man, but nothing like your brother was. You've started chewing on it while teething and you seem to like it more when you're exhausted. You still fall asleep without it and we don't go into crisis mode when we can't find it.
- Dr. Fletcher asked me if you were a "roller" or a "sitter" and you are definitely a roller. You are starting to cover some ground- even on the hard floor. If I sit you up, you may stay briefly but you quickly fall to one side or the other.
- You tend to rock forward & back as you sit, which is what causes you to fall over (or backwards). You definitely like to kick your legs and JUMP!
- The few times that we placed you in the pool, you continuously kicked your legs.
hanging out in the jumparoo
- We really don't know who you look like, although I have always thought your expressions look like those of your papa (David Dow; looks like we picked a good name for you!)
- You have recently found your voice. If you ever watch the movie "Dumb & Dumber," you have been making a noise that rivals "the most annoying sound in the world". It's a shrill shriek and it's quite entertaining... most of the time.
You enjoy being held but as you get bigger, my arms can't take it for long periods of time.
Thank God for the Moby Wrap!
Oh Owen... O-wee (as Kaden, Shanny, and I sometimes call you)
You are such a wonderful little person. You bring complete JOY to our lives.