• In the last month or two, you’ve really begun to chatter and gesture more.
It’s fascinating to listen to; although it doesn’t make sense (to us) you experiment with tone and inflection as if you’re carrying on a conversation.
• You may be a man of few words, but you definitely understand a lot! I can give you simple directions and you follow them. For example, if I ask you to find my shoes, you waddle over to my closet and start looking. (I know I’ve said this before, but I am really going to have to start censoring more.)
• You are into EVERYTHING! Drawers, cabinets, files, shelves…
not to mention CLIMBING things…
• Like most toddlers, you don’t like the word, “No.” I must give you credit—you are good at listening to it even if it makes you MAD to close the dishwasher, or climb off the coffee table.
• You seem to be fascinated with all animals, but LOVE dogs.
When you see one, your face lights up as you point and exclaim, “DOG!”
• You are still on the petite side. You wear clothes ranging from 9-18 months. 12-month pants seem to fit you best.
• Bread is still your favorite food. I haven’t found a bread you didn’t like.
trying to swipe one of Ava's chicken nuggets
• You like to eat! You say something like “meese” (like the plural form of “moose” if that were a word), which means “more” to you. I sometimes marvel at how you stay so little with all you can put away.
• I have to be careful not to let you carry my phone away because I’m always a little scared that it’s going to wind up in the toiled. (You LOVE flushing the toilet!)
• Our grocery store trips have gotten somewhat easier, although I need to keep them quick so you don’t try to crawl out of the cart or throw things from the basket. I’ve started going to the grocery store at night… by myself… in order to make this experience more pleasurable as it used to be. I’ve always enjoyed grocery store trips.
• I can tell when you are tired because you start pulling on your ear and your eyebrows & rims of your eyes turn red.
• You are still a good sleeper (8-7) and napper. Sometimes you take two naps but mostly it’s just one in the middle of the afternoon. Thank God!
• I enjoy taking you to the nursery at the gym now that you’re an accomplished walker. (I used to feel guilty dropping you off when you were little.) You seem to have a good time playing with different toys and watching other kids.
• You seem to have a gentle spirit. I’ve never seen you purposely push or hit someone.
With that being said, you also seem to get your feelings hurt easily.
• Right before Christmas, you started noticing the TV.
I turned Sesame Street on and you watched "Elmo's World" for a solid 5 mintues.
• I hate to say it, but your favorite Christmas toy was the BOX that contained my new toaster oven. Said box is still sitting in our living room.
• You LOVE to give hugs! I normally get 20+ a day.
• I love walking into the house after being gone just an hour or two. You & Schatzi are always SO EXCITED to see me! You beam and amble across the room to give me a BIG hug around my neck. It is the BEST!
• You like to play hide & seek by peeking around a corner of a doorframe.
• You’ve proven yourself a worthy travel companion. We (you and your mama)
DROVE 3,500 miles in 10 days over Christmas break
(Texas • Oklahoma • Kansas • Missouri • New Mexico • Arizona).