Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Color Run 2015

As soon as the color run (5k) was over last year, they talked about when we were going to do it again... They seriously never forgot about it – for an entire year, they asked when we were doing it again. Heck – if they're excited about running & Think exercising is fun, I will sign us up for a 5K any day.
We didn't quite have the giant group like we did last year, but it was still so nice to be there with friends.

Owen hitching a ride early on.

Ben isn't thrilled about the these type of "forced family fun" activities, but I was so elated that he decided to join us again!

Grace and her chariot. 
It's really hard for me to believe that she has only been in our lives for 6-months.

such natural smiles...
Waiting at the start line with Laura and Sarah. 
Owen and daddy
The Black family

Kaden and Ridge through the first color station

THIS is the picture that basically sums up why we decided to do this 5K again.


Miss Tressa

And somewhere during this off-road trail running section, the mood turned ugly… For Owen. 

Kaden was super pumped about his medal at the end.

Much more colorful an hour later.

so grateful for this little man
HE is the reason we have more fun in our lives.; he is always on the lookout for another fun adventure.

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