Holy cow! We've made it to six months!
According to Dr. Fletcher, you are perfect… you now way 16.8 pounds – 65th percentile & and are 28.25 inches long – >99th percentile! Super-long!
Keep growing at this rate and you will catch your brothers.
You still have the big red spot on the top of your head (the hemangioma that everyone asks about), but Dr. Fletcher said that he thinks that it's already starting to shrink and the redness is beginning to fade around the center (good things).
As you can see, your lovely dark curls have fallen out and it is looking very blonde-- just like your brothers' hair.
Your eyes are a deep shade of blue/gray and it's looking like they might stay that way... which is very pleasing to your dad.
You are the most content baby EVER! (I know we have said this about your brothers, but you may be the most chilled one yet.) You certainly do an amazing job of rolling with our crazy schedule without complaint.
You sure get a kick out of Kaden. (He adores you by the way).
The first thing he does upon waking up is to come & check on your. He also wants to hold you a lot and regular makes silly faces at you in order to make you laugh.
Speaking of best friends, your BIGGEST admirer is Evelyn Seals. I can't be around her without her asking about you/ where you are and when she can see you again. Right now she is exactly 3 years old and can't wait for you to start playing with her. Whether you want it or not, she is going to be your best bud. Ha!
You just started rolling which is good… and bad. You often wake yourself up in the night now because you roll over. BUT you typically go to bed and stay asleep, waking once in the night (around 3-4am)
No teeth at this point but you are chewing on your fingers (and toes) a lot.
We started you on solid food about a month ago. You like bananas, applesauce, pureed peas, carrots and other sweet fruits/veggies. You've passed on the green beans and avocado though (gagging).
You are still nursing.
You love your pacifier. Love it.
You cross your ankles all of the time- like a true lady.
You are on the cusp of sitting up on your own.
You are strong enough to sit in the exersaucer and enjoy staying there for periods of time, playing by yourself.
You definitely enjoy being held, but also enjoy some alone time in your crib, which you have begun sleeping in since rolling over.
You are getting better with your hands every day, reaching and grasping for objects.
"Grace you're beautiful!"
a term we've used a lot... which has rubbed off on Owen...
Mommy and grace at six months. Good news for you: I think you're prettier little lady.
Miss Grace:
We have loved you before we even knew you; when it was just the possibility of you.
You complete our family.
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Miss Grace:
We have loved you before we even knew you; when it was just the possibility of you.
You complete our family.
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